Convert Engineering and Trading has primary and continuing commitment to the protection from accidental loss to its employees and the projects.
Every operation shall have a zero accident as its primary goal. The Supervisor of each operation shall be accountable for all aspects of safety performance, including the application of company procedures, codes of practice and applicable regulations.
Controlling hazards should not be only as a reaction to an accident or the result of workplace inspections. Line management and employees can be more proactive. It is necessary to ensure that the important things are done first.
To achieve this commitment and to maintain a positive HSE environment in which safety comes first, Convert Engineering & Trading will ensure:
The requirement that every employee conducts its operations to the highest achievable standards of Health and Safety with ZERO ACCIDENT rates as the target.
Carry out regular inspections to identify and reduce potential hazards.
Conduct internal audits to a schedule and "follow up" the results for accident prevention as early as possible.
Develop training for all employees and encourage them to suggest ideas by sharing information and hold two way communication sessions.
Develop emergency plans and procedures to respond promptly and efficiently to incidents, whether they be of an occupational health, safety and environmental or security nature, thus minimizing their impact on the company and others.
Ensure that each field activity has an accident/incident reporting procedure and each event is fully investigated and documented.
We trust that all of us have agreed to prevent accidents, reduce hazards and protect property as a way of life.